Sparking change, generating impact.

Circular Economy: towards a new & regenerative paradigm

Circular Economy refers to an economy that is regenerative by design. It represents a new economic paradigm inspired by nature, where the concept of waste disappears, and all resources become nutrients for other cycles, whether natural or technological. This closed-loop system contrasts with the current Linear Economy, which no longer provides valid answers to humanity's challenges and its future development.  

The Circular Economy, with its #regenerative approach, is a bolder perspective of the Green Economy (an economy efficient in resources) because it is based on a radical transformation of production means, supply chains, culture, and consumption habits worldwide.  

"Circularizing a business" means gaining sovereignty, reducing the impact of price volatility, maintaining control over resources and the supply chain. It means changing monetization models by engaging customers and innovating in service design and user experience. It means questioning current markets and finding profitable and disruptive opportunities, seeing the economy with new eyes, and unlocking the potential of circular design.

The Circular Economy is already here, demonstrated by the thousands of companies worldwide redesigning their value propositions to be profitable in the present and resilient in the future.

Would you join us?

 "My name is Nicola Cerantola, founder and director of Ecologing. Since 2009, we have been dedicated to promoting the Circular Economy, Regenerative Entrepreneurship, and Business Transformation.
I would like to welcome you to our website"

Here you can find our range of services, the result of extensive experience in education, consultancy, and exploration in sustainability applied to businesses. Since 2009, hundreds of universities, business schools, institutions, and companies worldwide, especially in Spain, the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, and LATAM, have trusted and continue to trust in our services to educate people or successfully advance in their projects towards the Circular Economy.  

More than 13 years helping organisations in their transition to Circular and Regenerative Economy

Our services


We train and support companies, SMEs, startups, and business incubators on their path towards circularity, offering consultancy and advisory services, as well as project mentoring.


As education professionals we collaborate as teachers, trainers, and facilitators in dozens of universities, business schools, and educational centers internationally.


We contribute to the promotion of the Circular Economy from the public sphere, supporting institutions, local and national governments, business centers, and nonprofit organizations.


We collaborate as experts and technical consultants in national projects in Spain, European projects, and international projects in Circular Economy, Clean Production, Education, and Cooperation.

 "The circular economy is not waste management, but the much more ambitious pursuit of socio-economic-industrial mechanisms that regenerate natural ecosystems and promote the well-being, health, and happiness of all living beings." 
- Nicola Cerantola

A unique experience has forged our services and proposals.

Our value proposition

We address cutting-edge topics: we provoke, inspire and train today's and tomorrow's professionals to face today's most pressing challenges.  

We work mainly in 4 main thematic areas:

economia circular

Circular Economy

The umbrella with which we act. We help companies and institutions on their way to real circularity. 

diseño regenerativo

Regenerative Design

Design is everything. We mimic natural ecosystems and contribute to their prosperity over time. 

emprendimiento de impacto

Positive impact entrepreneurship

Without a good purpose we cannot move in the right direction. We inspire new generations of entrepreneurs and professionals towards positive impact businesses. 

espiritualidad economia circular

Transcendence and evolution

Re-establishing a connection with life and the earth. We promote the importance of an evolved state of being and society as a place of coexistence and personal growth.

We proudly define ourselves as generalists.

To meet today's challenges we need to know from many disciplines, to hybridise and explore the frontiers of knowledge.  Discover our value proposition and why choose us.

Inspiration and unique experience

We are inspired by the wisdom of nature (biomimicry) and human resilience (humimesis). We learn from the intelligence of life.

Creative hybridisation towards holistic knowledge

We wisely mix disciplines and creativity, we generate valuable knowledge. We learn, apply and innovate.

Humour and storytelling that excites

With irreverence, realism and humour we transmit an effective message that touches the heart. Emotion as a vehicle for social change.

Professionalism and quality, in every detail

Detail-oriented and committed, we offer the highest quality in each project with an artisan and "handmade" spirit.

Bold and politically incorrect vision

Visionaries of a prosperous future, we contribute ideas and generate our own knowledge. We say what needs to be said, even if it's uncomfortable.

Learning by exploring the world and the human being

We travel light, exploring, discovering and learning the wonders that this life brings us. In society and in the human being.

Since 2012 the circular "upgrade" of A. Osterwalder's famous Business Model Canvas "Canvas"

Moving from theory to action with the Design of Circular Business Models

Ecocanvas was born in 2012 to connect businesses with the Circular Economy.

It was created as an agile and visual tool to help organizations move from theory to practice.

This innovative tool has evolved into a complete methodology with dozens of instruments and various versions.

Over the past 10 years, we have trained and assisted thousands of companies, entrepreneurs, institutions, and professionals worldwide in Designing, Prototyping, and Validating Circular Business and Management Models.

"You will not discover new lands... new opportunities, until you are willing to lose sight of the shore... of your safe harbour, for a long period of time.   
André  Gide

Since 2009, generating impact at worldwide

About us

Ecologing is a social enterprise that was founded in 2009, in Madrid, as a response to the global challenges faced by businesses and society in Spain and internationally. In 2012, we created Ecocanvas, our methodology for designing, prototyping, and validating business models in the Circular Economy.

Our mission is to facilitate the corporate transition towards new resilient (and profitable) models through education, knowledge creation, and application. We have inspired, provoked, and trained thousands of people, innovating the way these topics are condensed and communicated, successfully promoting circular thinking at all levels.

We collaborate with professionals and independent companies to offer high-quality, effective projects tailored to the clients' needs.

Since 2009, we have been researching and experimenting with new ways to create real value and businesses that are healthier, more human-centered, and profitable (not just economically).

More than 150 companies, institutions and organisations have trusted and continue to trust us.

Some of our clients

We have participated in more than 250 projects, initiatives and events. Here is a selection of some of our most striking milestones

Some of our milestones

Co-authorship of the methodology for green entrepreneurship and the CBM book

We co-designed the methodology for green entrepreneurship of the UNEP SWITCHMED programme and co-wrote the book Modelli di Business Circolari.

More than 20 companies have participated in our Sprints

Together with our partners of Beople, we have accompanied more than 20 companies thanks to our Ecocanvas SPRINTS in the last 3 years.

Higher education in dozens of universities

We collaborate with prestigious educational institutions such as EOI, IED Madrid, Universidad de Chile, UDEM, Universidad de Valladolid and many others. 

Inspiring talks, TEDx and workshops all over the world.

We have spread the word of the Circular and Regenerative Economy in more than 20 countries, from Latin America and the Caribbean to the Far East in Malaysia.

National, European and international projects

We have supported, for example, the Government of Peru in the co-creation of the Circular Roadmap for fisheries and agriculture. 

More than 28,000 professionals and companies impacted 

In these more than 13 years, we have had an impact on more than 28.000 professionals, companies or institutions, mainly face-to-face.

Contact us and activate your circular transformation process.